Evangelical Group Joins One Million Moms' Fight Against Satanic Snack Food

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

To many, Nabisco's Honey Maid brand graham crackers are sinfully delicious. To others, they're just plain sin. According to an evangelical watchdog group, 2014 will go down in history as the year that Satan diversified his portfolio from mere brimstone production to include snack food marketing.

The American Decency Association joined American Family Association media watchdog group One Million Moms Monday in boycotting Nabisco's Honey Maid brand graham crackers over a recent ad for the popular snack that includes a same-sex family and used the word "wholesome." However, in an attempt to one-up their co-boycotting group's characteristic hysteria, the American Decency Association has blamed the gay-friendly ad on the Prince of Darkness.

The call to action on the American Decency Association website reads:

"...now Honey Maid and others are putting two moms in a same-sex relationship. They are making two dads to seem normal. �Both are wrong; both are unwholesome; both run contrary to the Word of God.� Satan whispers, "Did God really say...?"� "YES, HE DID!" should be our quick and relentless cry."

"It's not a matter of acceptance; it's a matter of an evil agenda which is being pushed upon America and around the world. Satan continues to attack God's design and skew it to his own workings.� He continues to take words like "wholesome" and "family" and twist them for his own purposes. He takes a symbol of God's promise (the rainbow) and hijacks it, twisting it to his own design. Satan calls it normal; God calls it sin."

The American Decency Association's complaint echoes far tamer sentiments made earlier in March by One Million Moms.

"Nabisco should be ashamed of themselves for their latest Honey Maid and Teddy Graham cracker commercial where they attempt to normalize sin," OMM said in a statement posted on its website. "Right away it shows two men with a baby, followed by other families, and ends with different families pictured including the one with two dads. This commercial not only promotes homosexuality, but then calls the scene in the advertisement wholesome."

No mention was made from either OMM or the ADA about Nabisco SnackWell's Devil's Food Cookie Cakes.

The American Decency Association was founded in 1999 by former fourth grade teacher, Bill Johnson, who previously served as the first-named state director of the American Family Association (AFA) from 1987 to 1999. The mission of the ADA, according to their official website, is "...to educate its members and the general public on matters of decency; to initiate, promote, encourage and coordinate activity designed to safeguard and advance public morality consistent with biblical Christianity." Past campaigns include protests against Victoria's Secret, Abercrombie and Fitch, Howard Stern and the Detroit Pistons Dancers.

The Michigan-based organization has 1,134 likes on their Facebook page.

by Bobby McGuire

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