Top Five Desert Island Health Picks

Kent McGroarty READ TIME: 5 MIN.

Let's pretend you knew you were going to be stranded on a desert island. Assuming there was plenty of clean water and healthy food, what supplements and health products would you take with you? The following health picks are what I could not live without on a desert island!

Pick #1: Apple Cider Vinegar.
Raw, organic apple cider vinegar (like Bragg's) is practically the fountain of youth and life! This amazing liquid has dozens upon dozens of uses, both internal and external. Do not be fooled by grocery store apple cider vinegar like Heinz's which is completely processed and practically useless. Make sure you are buying raw, organic apple cider vinegar "with the mother". The "mother" is cob-webby stuff that contains powerful enzymes that keep you feeling healthy, young and energetic. Both apples and apple cider vinegar contain potassium, a life-giving nutrient that "builds and maintains healthy tissues." Potassium deficiency can cause all kinds of problems such as stunted growth, mental handicaps, and senility. Potassium has also been called "the great detergent of the arteries" as it cleans out the arteries and keeps them from getting clogged and hardened, which can have deadly consequences.
As an amazing source of potassium, apple cider vinegar keeps the body's energy up and relieves chronic fatigue. Potassium, minerals and a few trace elements present in apple cider vinegar keep the body feeling vital and relieve it of stiffness. Apple cider vinegar is great for eliminating toxins in the body due to the "mother". The "mother" rids the body of toxins that lodge themselves in joints and organs, toxins that the body cannot eliminate by itself. Scientists refer to this protective action as "acetolysis."

Research how apple cider vinegar can work best for you. Apple cider vinegar's many other properties include relieving headaches, helping with weight loss, relieving yeast infections, diaper rash, jock itch, swimmer's ear and other fungal infections, treating minor scrapes and cuts, poison ivy, poison oak, windburn, chapping, sunburn, insect bites and stings (helpful when stranded on a desert island, no?), dry, itchy skin, acne, varicose veins, corns, calluses, and warts. Apple cider vinegar "zaps" sore throats and laryngitis, strengthens the heart and improves digestion. It relieves shingles and chicken pox and works wonders on sore muscles and aching joints. Apple cider vinegar combats kidney and bladder issues, fights arthritis and mucus, shrinks the prostate, helps with constipation and works as a douche. In short, I don't think there is anything apple cider vinegar cannot do, making it my #1 desert island pick!

Pick #2: Olive Leaf.
Olive Leaf was used in the late 1920s to cure malaria and is one heck of an immune system booster. Olive Leaf destroys pathogens so the immune system can regain its strength once the pathogens have died. Herbs like Goldenseal, Echinacea, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Myrrh and even the great and powerful Garlic are said to pale in comparison to the power of Olive Leaf.

When Olive Leaf kills pathogens it is possible the "die off" of pathogens can make you feel run down. This is merely a sign of how overloaded with toxins your body is. Energy should return after a few days of Olive Leaf flushing the body of toxins. Besides killing pathogens Olive Leaf's most active ingredient, calcium elenolate, is considered "an extraordinarily effective killer of viruses and bacteria." Dr. Atkins wrote that Olive Leaf offers "some relief, if not complete recovery from the entire rogues' gallery of microbial aliments" including pneumonia, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, influenza, viral encephalitis, viral meningitis, hepatitis B, shingles, herpes and Epstein-Barr. Olive Leaf also treats urinary tract, surgical, bacterial and yeast infections. It lowers blood pressure and blood sugar, fights parasites, decreases fatigue, lowers cholesterol and hypertension and is a general body purifier. It is one of nature's most powerful antioxidants and is said to contain anti-HIV activity. Amazing stuff!

Pick #3: Honey.
Raw, unprocessed honey has to be one of nature's most incredible gifts. It has been used for its medicinal properties for the past 2,500 years and can be used both internally and topically. Honey contains a wide array of vitamins and minerals making it a fantastic energy source. There is evidence that honey "may improve blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity compared to other sweeteners" while daily honey intake will raise blood levels of oh-so important antioxidants, which attack those cell-damaging free radicals. Honey is wonderful for the treatment of sore throat and other cold symptoms and has been called "one of the best" natural cold symptom relievers out there. Two tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of raw organic honey in water make a delicious and super nutritious beverage.

There are many topical uses for honey including use as an antiseptic and as a treatment for burns and other skin wounds. Honey is mainly comprised of the sugars glucose and fructose, both of which attract water. The sticky stuff therefore draws the water out of a wound, drying it out and leaving little room for bacteria and fungi to grow as each thrives in moist environments. Honey treats acne and chapped lips due to its antibacterial properties and can also be used as an ingredient in skin cleansers, lotions, conditioners, and mouthwash. Hey, being stranded on a desert island is not a reason to let your looks go! As with apple cider vinegar, make sure you are purchasing raw, organic honey. Processed honey is stripped of basically all of its essential nutrients.

Picks #4 & #5: Lavender (Herb or Essential Oil) and Valerian.
Lavender is an amazing herb and essential oil and like nearly all essential oils is antiseptic. The oil is effective for stress, which can be handy when trying to survive on a desert island! The oil can also be used in the treatment of insomnia, acne, anxiety, depression, headaches, skin irritations like burns and eczema, and fatigue. Besides its calming and antiseptic properties lavender is antifungal, "harmonizing", deodorizing, rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and it "enhances" the immune system. I wouldn't want to be stuck on a desert island without it!

A sedative and a painkiller, Valerian is traditionally taken at bedtime but can also be used "to prevent panic attacks and as a replacement for tranquilizers." It can act as a diuretic and won't cause grogginess like prescription painkillers can. It is not addictive and is a very effective treatment for menstrual cramps. In fact, it has been used successfully to treat ADHD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder in some people.

What health aids can you not live without? I know if I had my "five desert island health picks" with me no snakebite, bee sting, sunburn or food poisoning could stop me!

by Kent McGroarty

Kent McGroarty is a freelance writer. She is a frequent contributor to EDGE'S Style, Travel, Health, and Fitness channels. Contact her at

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