(l-r) Tom Daley, Laverne Cox and Lukas Gage Source: Instagram

10 Sexy and Successful Geminis We're Thirsty for this Season

Andrea Marks Joseph READ TIME: 11 MIN.

To be a Gemini is to be flexible and adapt easily to any circumstances your passion leads you towards. We're proud to celebrate these queer Geminis who have carved their own paths to unparalleled success. Queer creatives like Andy Cohen, Chris Appleton, Lily-Rose Depp, and Zachary Quinto are living exciting, enriching, culturally impactful lives by following their curious Gemini energy when it pulls them in new directions. Each of these celebs have, in their unique way, built a road towards a better life for queer people. They shine brightly as an example of what's possible when we don't limit ourselves to one avenue of success.

Geminis like Laverne Cox, Troye Sivan, Sir Ian McKellen, Neil Patrick Harris, and Tom Daley have followed their talents and natural enthusiasm to write books, design homeware, produce films, make clothing, break records, and record podcasts. In true Gemini style, they keep their career plans and creative projects on the go simultaneously, lighting up every room they walk into. You'll notice a common thread between the celebs in this list is that they use creativity and communication skills to shape the world, expressing their imagination through innovative ideas. That's that Gemini-espresso!

Chris Appleton

Geminis have work-life balance mastered, effortlessly juggling their creative projects, business decisions, group chats, and social events. With a career that takes him all over the world to support clients like Kim Kardashian, Chris Appleton's life demands that he be super-flexible and adaptable to whatever is needed in the moment. Geminis learn more about themselves by curiously engaging with the life around them. The constant traveling and cultural experiences help to keep Appleton fired up, ensuring that he's always meeting new people and trying new things.

Laverne Cox

Geminis find strength in leading others into meaningful transformation, and guiding a community into a positive shift. There could not be a more stunning example of the shift achieved through the authenticity of a Gemini than Laverne Cox! Geminis have a specific vision of a world that is more than others may even hope for, and they're always up for chatting about it. Laverne Cox's tenacity made sure that the brilliant life she dreamed of is coming true right before our eyes: Whether she's rocking vintage Mugler at home, cheering for fellow fashionistas on the red carpet, or hosting honest podcast conversations, Cox is breaking ground and guiding us all into a better –more fashionable, free, and inclusive– world.

Troye Sivan

Geminis often use their energy to lead innovative projects and carve a way forward in new industries. It would be no surprise then that one of the first and most popular Youtubers to come out as gay, act in some beloved indie films, and then go on to slay the gay pop landscape is a Gemini! The Australian multihyphenate has a classic Gemini love for words and telling stories (be that playful banter at a party, acting in a heartwarming family film, or having a long conversation over brunch); Finding joy in crafting the perfect phrases is a reflection of a Gemini skill that shines through in Sivan's song-writing, singing, and charismatic performances in every one of his pop hits. He's even branched out to designing homeware and fragrances for his lifestyle brand, TSU LANGE YOR.

Tom Daley

Geminis are known for communicating cleverly, constantly learning, sharing joyfully, and traveling to new places. This on-the-move lifestyle of learning new skills and sharing your adventures is something that Olympic diver, dad, author, and crafter Tom Daley knows intimately. Daley is a classic example of a Gemini whose creative endeavors could go on forever. We love that he's built a diverse, engaged community around sharing the colorful crochet and knitting creations he keeps by his side at the diving pool. Geminis feel most accomplished when they can comfortably move between various projects, following whatever sparks joy in each moment. When this can be achieved, a Gemini's happiness is infectious; the Made With Love by Tom Daley crafting community is proof of that.

Lukas Gage

Geminis are resilient, and like to keep their options open; They're able to embrace and enact change from moment to moment, exuding an easy-going vibe. You can always count on a Gemini to bring fun, friendly banter into your day. In Lukas Gage, these Gemini qualities highlight a wonderful actor whose presence on screen makes it impossible to look away from him. Gage has charmed his way into global audiences and his fellow celebrities' hearts with his enthusiasm for the projects he's worked on and his clever, captivating portrayal of characters both comedic and dramatic. We can't wait to see how Gage's career flourishes from here, as we're just at the beginning of a long and interesting career.

by Andrea Marks Joseph

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