Will a 'Vaccine Passport' Be More Valuable Than TSA Pre-Check for Future Travel?

Matthew Wexler READ TIME: 2 MIN.

As the world nears a staggering 100 million coronavirus cases, cabin fever has also set in, with many Americans craving another view besides their own four walls. U.S. vaccination roll-out has been riddled with complications, but a dim light at the end of the tunnel has Americans hopeful that a summer vacation may be possible. A vaccine passport "could be the golden ticket to rebooting travel," reports CNN.

Iceland has already begun issuing vaccine certificates. "The aim is to facilitate the movement of people between countries so that individuals can present a vaccine certificate at the border and are then exempt from COVID-19 disease control measures in accordance with the rules of the country concerned," the Ministry of Health stated in a press release.

Tech companies are quickly jumping on board to develop and launch apps that will store COVID-19 testing and vaccination details. The Geneva-based nonprofit The Commons Project created the CommonPass app for travelers to share health status using a QR code to protect sensitive health information. IBM's Digital Health Pass will target not only travelers but the return to public gatherings such as school or work environments.

Some European countries are calling upon an international vaccination certificate standard. Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis wrote to the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in early January, stating, "While we are not going to make vaccination compulsory or a prerequisite for travel, persons who have been vaccinated should be free to travel. This will provide a positive incentive for ensuring citizens are encouraged to undergo vaccination, which is the only way to ensure a return to normality."

On the domestic front, the U.S. is facing vaccination distrust, especially in communities of color. Additionally, Dr. Celine Gounder, a former member of the Biden transition Covid-19 advisory board, told CNN that it would likely be months before the vaccine became widely available, leaving most Americans still dreaming of when they may be able to take their next vacation with confidence.

by Matthew Wexler

Matthew Wexler is EDGE's Senior Editor, Features & Branded Content. More of his writing can be found at www.wexlerwrites.com. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @wexlerwrites.

This story is part of our special report: "COVID-19 And You". Want to read more? Here's the full list.

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