MOXIE Theatre Launches The Bechdel Brigade, Supporting Women's Voices


MOXIE Theatre unleashes the powerful influence of The Bechdel Brigade, a task force of women supporting women's voices. MOXIE is proud to announce the formation of a new group of lesbian community leaders uniting to increase awareness and support for female playwrights and directors.

The Bechdel Brigade are planning their first community event on February 3 surrounding MOXIE's production of "Blue Door" by Tanya Barfield, award-winning playwright and winner of the 2016 LAMBDA Literary Award for her play "Bright Half Life."

The�Bechdel Brigade�will act as advocates for MOXIE's mission to create more diverse and honest images of women, and bring lesbian women together to fight for equal representation for female artists in American theatre.

The�Brigade�is named after Alison�Bechdel, the American Cartoonist and creator of "Dykes to Watch Out For," which coined the�Bechdel-Wallace Test, which evaluates whether works of fiction give fair representation to women. Bechdel's graphic memoir,�"Fun Home," was recently turned into a Tony Award-winning musical on Broadway.

Now the Brigade borrows her name as a rallying cry to support women's voices in theater and in turn, to inspire women to use their voices in their community. Support for the Brigade is made possible through the Dea and Osborn Hurston Audience Engagement Program at MOXIE Theatre.

"I've been a fan of MOXIE Theatre since four amazing women founded it in 2005 and have admired their efforts to present honest and diverse women's voices on stage," said Bechdel Brigade Chair, Toni Robin of TR/PR Public Relations. "This is a great opportunity for me to give back for all the great theater I've enjoyed.�There's something special about seeing ourselves represented on stage, behind the scenes or in the audience. Our goal with this effort is to expand all three.�And who better to honor with this initiative than Alison Bechdel?�She'd be a great MOXIE girl!"

MOXIE Theatre is a professional non-profit theater founded by the critically acclaimed group of performers and directors; Jo Anne Glover, Liv Kellgren, Delicia Turner Sonnenberg and Jennifer Eve Thorn in 2005. MOXIE's mission is to create more diverse and honest images of women for our culture using the art of theater.

Through the production of primarily female playwrights and the special attention given to plays that defy female stereotypes, MOXIE expands the idea of what is feminine.

Join the Brigadiers for a pre-show event starting at 7 p.m. on February 3 to celebrate women in theater. The Bechdel Brigade is a group of lesbian community leaders and theater lovers dedicated to supporting MOXIE's mission and female directors and playwrights like Tanya Barfield.

Bechdel Brigade Night will be held on February 3 at MOXIE Theatre, 6663 El Cajon Blvd Suite N, San Diego CA 92115.

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