Woman Arrested in SC Restaurant After Jesus Didn't Pick Up Tab


A four-hour stand-off in a South Carolina restaurant left a 51-year-old woman in jail after Jesus didn't show up to pick up her check for her seafood buffet meal. According to reports, he didn't chip in for the tip either.

Police were called to Bennetts Calabash restaurant in Myrtle Beach when the management was unable to get a stubborn patron to leave the premises. According to WBTW, April Lee Yates caused a disturbance with other diners in the restaurant after being there for nearly four hours.

The squabble with Yates appears to have been over the $26 bill for her meal, which she had no money to pay. When the police asked her how she planned to pay for her dinner, Yates said that "Jesus" was going to pay the check.

According to MyFox8, Yates was placed under arrest for defrauding a restaurant and sent to the Myrtle Beach Jail.

Eater.com notes a disturbing trend in deadbeat diners expecting the almighty to foot the bill for their fare. In October, an Oklahoma woman was arrested after she ordered several alcoholic drinks and food at El Chico before telling restaurant staff that she had no money to pay for her bill. The woman insisted, however, that Jesus Christ was her husband - though she had no marriage license to prove it - and that he would be in shortly to pay for her meal.


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